Understanding how many hours a newborn needs to sleep is essential to ensure their healthy development and the well-being of the entire family. However, it is important to remember that each baby has their own rhythm and knowing their sleep patterns can be a great help in this process. In the first few months of …
Crying is babies’ main form of communication in the first months of life, but when they don’t stop crying, parents, especially first-time parents, can become quite distressed. In these moments, it is important to remain calm and understand that crying does not always mean something serious. Often, crying can be caused by hunger, sleepiness or …
Weaning is a natural process that marks a new phase in infant nutrition. In the guided method, the transition from breast milk to solid foods occurs at the baby’s own time, respecting their needs and promoting a smoother adaptation, allowing the child to explore flavors and textures at their own pace. Many parents wonder …
Skin-to-skin contact is a simple but powerful practice that involves placing the baby with little or no clothing directly on the parent’s chest shortly after birth. This moment allows the baby and parents to share a direct and intimate connection, strengthening the emotional bond from the first moments of life. This gesture is simple, but …
The beginning of crawling is an important milestone in a baby’s development. This phase, which generally occurs between six and ten months of age, brings more independence and new discoveries to the child. However, the time may vary from baby to baby. To ensure that this phase occurs safely, it is important to prepare …